Business Intelligence Dashboard

Our proprietary BI dashboard gives you an instant view of how our expert full-stack team’s changes boost your category ranking for predictable, hands-off growth. Plus, it tracks the sales performance of your competitors for a complete picture.

We are the Trusted Amazon Marketing Agency for over 250 Brands

3 Key Areas of Our Business Intelligence Dashboard

The SalesDuo Business Intelligence Dashboards focus on 3 key areas - Internal parameters which influence sales, category parameters which influence sales, and the influence which reflects on your sales with what your SalesDuo Team refines.

  • visual representation of our interactive dashboards

    Sales Goals and Performance

    The dashboards in this section explain how you are trending with respect to your annual sales goals. This also provides information with regards to any dips for certain products that occur due to any internal parameters that you can influence and what can be done to correct them.

  • visual representation of embedded analytics for competition benchmarking

    Competition Benchmarking

    The dashboards in this section talk about the market share your products have in their respective sub-categories, and what sales numbers your competitors are seeing. This offers excellent insight into what can be done to increase your market share.

  • data visualizations by SalesDuo

    Your SalesDuo Team's Activities

    The dashboards in this section talk about what your SalesDuo team does and its influence on your sales numbers. It also showcases the impact of the Creative and Content team’s efforts using the Glance Views and Conversion Numbers. The Advertising Team, along with the AI models, help with advertising your ROI, and you can see its significant impact in a neatly organised dashboard. The impact of the Operations Team and their focus on Availability / Buyability situation on your sales numbers can also be looked into without any hassles.

Other Reports and Features of Our Proprietary Amazon BI Dashboard

  • Geographic Insights

    See the geographic patterns of where your sales are coming from. This can be extremely useful to set up last mile delivery points. It also adds another dimension to data, when you focus more on the Direct To Consumer approach.

  • Sales Funnel

    Check how the traffic is flowing through the different stages of the funnel, and where the leaks are, which gives insight on what can be done to arrest them. 

  • Competition Benchmarking

    See how your market share has evolved over the past 2 years and how your competitors are doing with sales. 

  • Share of Voice

    This dashboard gives you your Share of Voice in your sub-category, with a split of the paid and organic Share of Voice. This can be a great input for deciding on your Advertising spends.

  • ASIN Activity

    If you are unable to pinpoint any internal parameters that may be impacting your sales, this dashboard can give you the answers you need. It informs you about your competitor’s products and any associated price changes or promotions which may be impacting your sales.

  • Creatives and Conversion

    This dashboard shows you the impact on the conversion rates after your SalesDuo Creative team has altered the creatives for Detailed Pages, A+ pages and your Brand page. You can even do A / B tests to see which pages work better.

  • Content and Glance Views

    This dashboard enables you to gauge the impact on the Glance views after your SalesDuo Content team has altered the copy for your Detailed Pages.

  • Advertising Campaigns

    One of the key highlights of the Advertising dashboards is its ability to show the days of the week, and the times during the day when sales are at their highest. This lets you set AI based Dayparting models, allowing you to control bids and budgets accordingly.

  • Advertising Campaigns out of Budget

    An hourly check to monitor campaigns which have run out of budget, followed by the AI model based readjustments on the budgets for the campaigns based on the trailing week’s ROI for the campaigns.

  • Operations — Availability / Buyability

    This report by Operations shows you the day-wise split of the Availability / Buyability of your ASINs, and solutions to what can be done in order to ensure 100% Availability / Buyability.

  • Operations — Forecasting

    The Operations team offers Forecasting, which is available at an annual and a quarterly level to help you plan and acquire necessary inputs to ensure 100% Availability / Buyability.

  • Operations — Inventory Management

    The Inventory Management section highlights the best distribution between Vendor Central and Seller Central to ensure that you are able to support the sell throughs for all your items between the different avenues Amazon gives you for your brand.

  • Shortage Claims and Chargebacks

    This section of the dashboard talks about the percentage of Shortage Claims and Chargebacks that the SalesDuo team has been able to resolve, and how the team is able to contract the overall Shortage Claims and Chargebacks numbers.


    Business Intelligence Dashboards

    Download our deck to have a closer look at the deep reporting that our Business Intelligence Dashboards present to its users.

  • Listing Cohesiveness

    Anytime there are changes to your Product Detail Pages like Title, Bullet Points, or Product Description changes, the baseline content is auto-submitted to restore the content back to the baseline state

  • Feedback and Reviews

    A single page to see the latest review comments and feedback that have come for your ASINs. You can scroll back to see all review comments and feedback that has come for the product from the initial time of listing.

Top Marketplace Management Strategies for Sellers and Vendors

  • Creative 05
    Our twin combination of an expert eCommerce team and our proprietary AI Dashboard gives you the overall business growth strategy and the forecast for the next 12 months.
  • Creative 06
    Our full-stack marketing team focuses on SEO, Enhanced Brand Content, and Amazon PPC Advertising to help you achieve the projected numbers.
  • Creative 04
    Our AI Dashboard does 24X7 competition monitoring, and optimization of organic and inorganic levers to give you predictable, hands-off growth as shared in the growth strategy and forecast plan.

Why Choose SalesDuo as Your Go-To Amazon Agency?

  • Ai driven 4
    AI Driven
    In a competitive market, success comes from combining AI innovation and smart marketing strategies. SalesDuo brings both to boost your growth.
  • Amazon experts 3
    Amazon Experts
    Managed by ex-Amazon pros and led by the former Head of Amazon’s Vendor Management Program—your account is in expert hands. Need we say more?
  • Exclusive perks 4
    Exclusive Perks
    As an Amazon Partner, we give you perks that no other agency can. For every $100 you spend on Amazon Advertising, we get you a bonus $3 - $12 FREE additional spend.

Certified by Amazon: Your Trusted Digital Agency

  • Amazon ads
  • Walmart advertising partner google ads
  • Wayfair Advertising partner
  • Google Partner customer satisfaction
  • Meta business partner inventory management
  • Helium 10 trusted partner marketplace management
  • Amazon ads certified
  • Pickfu certified enhanced brand content
  • Inc 500 amazon sellers
  • Jungle Scout Cobalt logo Amazon Agency
  • ChatGPT logo Amazon Advertising Agency
  • Midjourney
  • Amazon solution provider network digital agency
  • Shopify logo marketplace management
  • Tiktok shop inventory management
  • Woo commerce

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